A year after publication, Adam Williams’ ‘The Emperor’s Bones’ in Chinese translation remains No 8 on Dang Dang.com’s Best Book List


'The Emperor's Bones' in Chinese translation remains No 8 on Dang Dang.com's  Best Book List

‘The Emperor’s Bones’ – No 8 on Dang Dang.com’s Best Book List!

Based on readers’ and critics’ comments, more than a year after the publication of the Chinese translation of Adam Williams’ historical novel set in China’s warlord era in the 1920s, ‘The Emperor’s Bones’ remains in No 8 place on Dang Dang.com’s Best Books list.

The Emperor's BonesThe top ten last week consisted of:

  1. ‘Only a Doctor Knows’ – a medical self help book
  2. a book about a business celebrity, Chairman of Soho, Pan Shiyi
  3. ‘The Way of Life’ – a book about Buddhism
  4. A biography of the first Ming Emperor
  5. Frederick Forsyth’s ‘The Kill List’
  6. A French children’s book
  7. An American children’s book
  8. ‘The Emperor’s Bones’
  9. a history of China 1895-1915
  10. a book about actors and actresses by a well known agent

Gabriel Marques’ ‘A Hundred Years of Solitude’ comes in at No 15.

Dang Dang.com is China’s prime book buying website.