[…] I don’t play golf so having spent twenty years of weekends lying on sofas watching Zena: Warrior Princess or whatever else Star World had to offer, writing a novel seemed an incremental hitch up from slob-dom. One day a friend and I finished watching a TV version of Conrad’s Nostromo at 3 in the morning and whiskey fueled decided that ‘Mowal choice ish whash witing’s all about’ and then and there decided we’d each write a novel to illustrate it.
Twelve hours of hangover later, trying stupidly to walk the Wall from Simatai to Jinshanling, whilst crawling from flagstone to flagstone and dizzying at the precipices, I somehow thought of a plot. It ended up with my friends calling the police to find me, but I had a novel in my head that five years later was published. Publish one they want another, so writing’s become a bit of a moonlight career (on weekends and public holidays of course, if anybody from Jardines is reading this). […]
Taken from Why I Write: Adam Williams – Interview by JFK Miller in Urbanatomy Shanghai
Editor’s note: we apologise to readers for Adam’s misspelling of Xena: Warrior Princess. His mind must really have been off the boil when conducting this interview because we know for a fact that during this television viewing period of his life he was also addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and failed to mention it.
DS, Rome